For an e-mail address, you need to get on the system. However you have other ways for contacting them...
Asia Miles Service Hotline
Hong Kong +852 2747 3838
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. When you dial this number you will be connected to the Voice Response System. With this facility you can check your last ten Asia Miles transactions, request fax-on-demand (for changing your personal details), or make an award request or update redemption group members.
Asia Miles Service Fax Number
Hong Kong +852 2312 0883
Asia Miles toll-free numbers in other countries
Australia 1800 129 264
Bahrain 80000 524
Canada 1877 631 6283
China# 10800 852 2747(Northern China*)
10800 152 2747(Southern China**)
France 0800 909 119
Germany 0800 182 6880
India 000 800 852 1001
Indonesia 001 803 852 2765
Italy 800 781 921
Japan 00531 85 3747
Macau 0800 978
Malaysia 1 800 80 3747
Netherlands 0800 022 5710
New Zealand 0800 44 9044
Philippines 1800 1855 3838 (PLDT)
1800 765 2747 (ETPI)
Singapore 800 852 3747
South Africa 0800 99 0647
South Korea 00798 8521 2743
Sri Lanka 2 543 949 (within Colombo)
011 2 543 949 (outside Colombo)
Taiwan 00801 85 2747
Thailand 001 800 852 2755
UAE 8000 852 03880
UK 0800 092 3595
USA 1866 892 2598
* Beijing, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, Liaoning, Neimonggol, Shanxi, Shandong and Tianjin.
** Anhui, Chongqing, Fujian, Gansu, Guangdong (incl Shenzhen), Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanghai, Sichuan, Xingjiang, Xizang, Yunnan and Zhejiang.
# Toll-free calls can be made from fixed lines, but not from mobile or pay phones.
For countries where a toll-free service is not available, please call the Asia Miles Service Hotline in Hong Kong.
Please note that the '+' sign represents the International Access Prefix. A touch-dial tone phone is required to access the interactive Asia Miles Service Hotline.
Asia Miles Service Desk
Our service desk is located in Area B of the Check-in Hall at Hong Kong International Airport and offers you a wide range of member services:
programme information
mileage checking
missing mileage credit - for Cathay Pacific flights
itinerary changes
administration e.g. personal information changes
redemption bookings
redemption ticket issuance and pick up
instant redemption (upgrades, extra baggage) on Cathay Pacific flights
Asia Miles enrolment
The Asia Miles Service Desk is open daily between 7:00am and 11:45pm.
Asia Miles Postal Address
Asia Miles, PO Box 1024
Tsuen Wan Post Office, Hong Kong