1. Aircraft Crash Protection SystemWe all are aware of the fact that many lifes are lost every year due to air craftcrash.There are number of types of air craft crashes. In sudden air crashes where theair plane crashes suddenly while flying in this type of sudden air crash it is verydifficult to save the passengers using a passive safety system. But there aremajor cases in which the air plane crashed gradually where there is adequatetime to save a crash for example crash due to lack of fuel, failed engines, failedlanding gear etc, these are cases where the air craft crashes gradually.Key points of Air Craft Crash Protection System are as under: 1) Parachute for gliding the plane when its engines are not working, or when the plane becomes out of control. 2) Two stage air bag for crash landing in land and on water 3) Roller on impact absorbing air bags 4) Detachable wings / fuel tanks to reduce the risk of fire during crash landing and explosion during crash. 5) This system helps the plane to crash land safely in critical emergency situations 6) Brake by parachute system for safe braking during crash landing with air bags.
2. 1) Parachute for gliding the plane when its engines are not working.Majority of air craft crash occurs due to engine failure or loss of control, andthe end result is the air craft struggles to remain in air or glide in the air. Withthe help of parachute the plane can be safely brought to ground level or sealevel. With the help of a giant parachute which can safely bring the aircraftdown to land and sea level. The parachute will be designed in such a mannerso that it can glide comfortably at high linear velocity. The parachute could beeasily controlled by the pilots with the principle of paragliding. The ropeswhich hold the parachute with the pane will be wounded on pulleys withmotor which can wind or unwind individual ropes of parachute independentlywith the command from pilot to control the plane with paragliding techniques.
3. 2) Two stage air bag for crash landing in land and on waterThere will a two stage air bag, the first one for absorbing the jerk of crashlanding with parachute and the second one for floating on water.1st stage air bag for absorbing impact due to landing or land or water withparachute. While crash landing the2nd stage air bag for keeping the plane floating on water
4. 3) Rollers on impact absorbing air bag.Rollers will be provided on impact absorbing air bag so that the plane can rollfor a safer landing.These rollers will help the airplane with impact absorbing airbag to slide on thesurface of land during crash landing. These rollers will also help to avoiddamage on impact absorbing air bag by land surface.
5. 4) Automatic detachable wings, (ADW).We all know that wings are the most important part of an aeroplane. But in anevent of crash landing the wings are the component which makes the plane tocrash. Due to the shear length of wings it fouls with external objects whilecrash landing and makes the entire plane to crash. Moreover fuel is also storedinside the wings of air plane which acts as a bomb in an event of crash.By “ADW” system in a event of crash landing the wings of the plane getsdetached automatically so that the fuselage can be safely brought down onland or water safely with the help of a parachute and air bags as mentioned inthis project.
6. Application of this project:This project, “Air Craft Crash protection system” can be used by domestic airlines to save many lifes travelling in it, it can be easily and cost effectively usedin chartered air planes or small air craft which carry precious lifes of manyVIP’s. This project can be used as a mandatory safety feature as we have airbag and seat belts for automobiles.