Hi, I'm a frequent flier, probably average 40 flights a year for the past 5 years. 2 Weeks ago for the second time since I've been flying I got airplane ear. Both ears clogged up (I had been sick and flew, my mistake). Went to the ENT he said I had fluid and infection, did the antibiotic thing. I now have another flight (this one for pleasure not business) planned in 2 days. I feel 10x better physically than I did before but I still have some faint crackling in my ears when I yawn or push my jaw out. I don't feel the same pressure I did right after the flight but I also don't feel 100% normal. I'm honestly not sure if the light crackling I'm still hearing is normal and I'm just hyper sensitive to it right now.
So my dilemma is that I can cancel my vacation plans in order to give my ears more time to readjust, but I'm not sure if I'm just being overly cautious, any tips or tricks to figure out if my ears are ready to fly again?