It is not hard to look up the statistics. Lets see a 1000 die every week in car crashes.
Sorry you wanted plane crashes.Yesterday there were 100,000 flights and zero crashes.
You have a larger chance of being hit by lightning or a drunk driver getting from the Airport parking lot to terminal.
15% that is 45,000,000 in the USA are afraid to fly for many reasons.
Suggest you visit YOUR DOCTOR for some appropriate help for your situation.
The most common admission to hospital emergency wards is just falling down tripping over your own feet.
The most common place it happens is the stairs in your own home.
Sorry you wanted plane statistics.
Chance of dying in a plane crash about one in 30,000,000 flights. No one can predict which one flight has the issue and the 29,999,999 safe ones.
100 die everyday in traffic accidents. Thousands more are injured. Oops sorry not a plane statistic.
Most traffic accidents take place in the last 25 miles when you are tired and rushing to just get it over with and navigating unfamiliar roads. That one is a car travel statistic from AAA.
About 50-60,000 die each year in transportation related accidents. About 1% are from planes.
the other 99% were killed by other transportation things,.
Need some more statistics? There are lots. Sadly having a list of statistics will not help you.
Go see your Doctor for some help in this and you will have a much more pleasant journey to destination.
Depending where you are going there is the option of bus and train also. The driver gets lots of work just getting to and from. The passenger enjoys the scenery and naps in both directions.