I see that you have been getting many responses from people who have drunk too much of the radical leftist kool aid.
The answer to your question is an unequivocal yes, Putin should be charged with war crimes.
The current President of Russia is a weak stooge of Putin. All of the orders come from Putin.
Putin is the one who is orchestrating this and is the source of the orders.
Putin is directing the Russian military to target civlians as an instrument of terror.
Georgia has broken with Russia. Putin wants to create terror so that any other Countries who are thinking of breaking with Russia as Georgia has done will be terrified of the consequences.
Putin is an old KGB operative and is trying to recreate the old Russian empire.
Deliberately targeting civilians as Putin has done is a war crime.
In contrast to the United States military which has been very careful to avoid targeting civilians.
In fact a number of United States soldiers are beng prosecuted for accidentally injuring and killing civilians in legitimate miliatary operations against enemy combatants.
To give you an example of the amount of care the United States military has taken to avoid civilian casualties in Iraq, many legitimate attacks on Muslim Terrorists have been aborted because of the presence of civilians who could be injured or killed in an attack on the Muslim Terrorists which would have been legitimate and legal military operations.
Also in many attacks on Muslim Terrorists, the amount of explosives used have been reduced to minimize the likelihood of injury to innocent civilians in the vicinity.
To compare what Putin is doing in Georgia to what the United States is doing in Iraq is absolutely preposterous.
The United Staes has every legal and moral right to clean out the Muslim Terroists from Iraq.
The United States has taken extraordianry efforts to limit casualties in Iraq and only target legitimate miltary targets, such as Muslim Terrorists.
Whether or not Putin is a hero to Russians is irrelevant. Just because Putin is revered among many Russians does not excuse Putin from deliberately attacking Georgian civilians to create Terror.
Putin is a war criminal. Putin must be prosecuted for the war crimes that he is committing in Georgia.