Okay, so this will be my first time traveling alone at an Airport and on Thanksgiving Week Non the less. I will be taking off from NWR (Newark International Airport), landing in Douglas Airport in Charlotte, NC, and then catching a connection flight to JAX (Jacksonville International Airport). All my flights are U.S Airways so I'm slightly comforted by the fact it's all the same airline, but where I really messed up is with the amount of time I gave myself to catch the connection flight to JAX. I gave myself 44 minutes to catch the connection flight to JAX on the day before Thanksgiving. Considering I've never traveled alone, and it's going to be soo busy, is this even doable? I mean i only plan on having carry on luggage which should save me some time. Do I have to check in and get a boarding pass to my connection flight, or is that given to me back in Newark Airport to save me some time? Do I have to pass security again? I am very nervous and worried. Being a novice flyer I should have payed more attention to the connection time, especially for such a busy time of year.
Any and all advice anyone could give me would be appreciated. Thanks